– Convert currencies instantly

get currencies exchange rates instantly

Convert currencies instantly and get latest currency exchange rates for world countries, updated regularly and automatically several times per hour. Click here to visit the currency exchange rates service.

– With each currency exchange you request, always get the values of a number of world currencies instantly listed including some precious metals and cryptocurrencies rates.

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Our user’s exchange rates must be always accurate, we use a credible source to automatically get currency exchange rates regularly, which is now being Currency Beacon. We placed here a quote from same currency rates provider’s home page:

– Proudly serving 100,000+ businesses and developers

– Real-time mid-market & Historical Exchange Rates: Central banks and currency traders define the rates at which they are willing to buy/sell a specific currency. The real-time mid-market rate is the midpoint between demand and supply at any point in time, making it the most accurate rate. The mid-market rate is the rate you will find on independent sources such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, Xignite and XE.

– Trusted Sources: Our currency data is sourced from financial data providers and banks, including the European Central Bank, Canadian Central Bank.

Disclaimer: we doesn’t guarantee the accuracy of values provided, while it’s always fetched accurately from (at this moment) the previously mentioned global currency rates provider. If you used it in a critical use, please use it at your own responsibility.

If you got any note or noticed any country’s data remark, please send it using the contact form at our website: ( Or through our email address. And we will make sure to correct it. Our users remarks are always welcomed.

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